Gather courage, gather strength
What doesn’t make you happy
Leave their hands

If nobody is willing to try
Stop waiting for times to change
Give your all
Leave no stone unturned
But if, still things don’t change
End the waiting game

Cheer up, Shine bright
Maybe something else is in store for you
Don’t lose heart
Don’t you dare cry

Don’t change yourself
For anybody anything
What has to be yours
Will be yours in the end

Recover reboot and fly high
Nobody should be able to hold you tight



So there were numerous reasons for you to stay back
But you choose the one that took you away
Now I am waiting with my heart in my hand
And I am scared how will my story end

You should have known the facts
You should have tried to relax
You should have thought of it before
Because I am madly in love
While you are running for the shore

Everything is right when you and I are together
Still you are afraid to take that step
Knowing we will create wonders
Why won’t you take my hand
How hard is it to take a stand

I was a happy go lucky guy
But now I am just a nervous wreck
Was it supposed to end so badly
Was only tasting love my destiny

It can’t be over just yet
Because our story is far from over
Give it wings and it will fly
Won’t let it ever dry
You feel happy and alive
Our love is meant to survive

So hold my hand
And bring yourself closer
Let’s create something incredible
That the world won’t easily understand


You are not yet my lover
But will you be my valentine
I know you love me but won’t admit
The thing you need to understand is
Loving is not a crime
It just happens when it happens
You can’t just push it away
If it has to
It will blow you away
It will take you to places you have not been to
It will take you far
It will create a separate world for you
Where love will be plenty and at par
