Truth will set you free

Truth will set you free
Lie will hold you down
If you keep on following any path blindly
You will surely drown

Pick up your bags
Stop slacking
Don’t crash
Start living each day with all you got
Stop snoring
Start doing all you can
Forget to sleep until the time you can

So many meaningless things around
Some materialistic, some emotional
Overcome them all
Keep your head high
Don’t let the crown fall down

Avoid the people who drain you
Start claiming all you came for
Find your power, find your clan
It is a big bad world out there
Manage it all with your own strength

So what if you miss having people around
Let everything free, whatever holds you down
Time waits for nobody
It goes out without a bang
If you keep on wasting it
You will be left alone with nothing substantial in your hands

So what are you waiting for
Go on climb that fence
Don’t look back on your mistakes
Just learn a lesson
Don’t repeat the same
You will be fine if you won’t stop
Live your life to the fullest
Don’t have regrets
Don’t be a bitter friend.
