Hiding from the Truth

You never know which side to hold
The devil keeps lurking from the shadows
No matter how far you go
Somethings keep on holding your toes
The senseless mumbo jumbo
Isn’t too hard to understand
Only if you have been where I stand

The past is hard to let go
The future is always uncertain
The present is in peril
Cover the windows with the curtains
For we don’t want the world to see our weakness
Especially when we know it can never be overcome

The only thing left is to give it a push
For even the jammed doors can sometimes be made good
The real talent lies in hiding in plain sight
Because behind a veil anybody could hide

So if you know what this is all about
If you give a damn
If you really want to stand
And hold my stretched hands
The time is a ticking bomb
That could explode any moment
So hurry up and close the deal
For I don’t want to waste another good night sleep


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